Dennis Kostakoglu Aydin Iraq and Syria have a well-documented modern history of oppressive regimes. As is generally common in MENA, in Saddam’s Iraq and Hafez al- Assad’s Syria, legitimacy was determined by specific state policies designed to ensure social compliance with the existing regime. This is the traditional definition of legitimacy: the state’s adherence to…
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Threatening the ‘Status Quo’: the Historic and Contemporary Dangers of ‘Religious Freedom’ in Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade
Rose Slocock Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, a sacred hilltop holy site has long served as a flashpoint of bitter and enduring division between the Israelis and Palestinians. Known to the Jewish people as Temple Mount, and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary is Islam’s third holiest site after Medina and…
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Kuwait and COVID-19: The Real Victims of the Pandemic
Saoirse Joy “We should send them out… put them in the desert.” – Hayat Al-Fahad On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation officially declared that the rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus be treated as a pandemic. A month later, on the 31st March 2020, Kuwaiti actress Hayat Al-Fahad publicly called for the deportation of…
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