Molly Riney
Why your support matters

The violence and injustice of this May’s attempted forced evictions of several Palestinian families living in the neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah appalled observers around the world. This is no isolated event, as illustrated by ongoing attempts to evict Palestinian residents of Al-Bustan, Silwan in order to facilitate its settlement by the Ateret Cohanim organisation. Both of these incidents represent a mere continuation of Israel’s long annexation and illegal military occupation of the West Bank, and the state’s apartheid regime from the river to the sea. Since the foundation of the state of Israel, Palestinians living under Israeli apartheid have consistently had their basic human rights violated and stripped away from them. These latest attacks highlight the degree of brutality that the Israeli state is willing to use to further force Palestinians from their homes and into submission.

It can feel inconsequential to share anything on social media in support of a cause so far from your own home. Yet, individual and collective solidarity with the Palestinian people is vital because they’re not getting fair treatment from the mainstream media or even recognition from any major nation states. It is independent sources and even social media that are platforming the stories of Palestinians’ experiences of living under Israeli apartheid, now and throughout the past eighty years. Palestinian activists have highlighted the importance of political support and advocacy over donating to a neoliberal aid industry, which does little to challenge the status quo. It is vital that we support the people of Palestine because right now nation states are failing them. It is only by means of massive public support that governments make the decision to intervene in these events. When we show our governments that we care about something, we are forcing them to at least acknowledge the issue.
Please see below ways you can show solidarity with Palestine from Ireland and different ways to get involved.
Write to your local TDs
The below link will take you to your email with a template email demanding that the Irish government terminate the diplomatic status of the Israeli ambassador, to cease trading with Israel and to use our government’s position at the UN to demand a halt to the forced dispossesion of Palestinian people in East Jerusalem. You need only add your name at the bottom, and your TDs name at the beginning. If you are unsure of who your TDs are, you can find them on
Link to the email template:
Support the BDS Movement
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement promoting boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel. It is usually compared to the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. On an individual level, you can best get involved with this by refusing to support companies and manufacturers that aid the Israeli government in their eradication of Palestinian land and rights. There are fuller, more comprehensive lists of complicit brands and companies, but the following from IPSC is a good jumping-off point for Irish readers:
Join a branch / Follow the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
The IPSC is a wonderful organisation that liaises between Irish and Palestinian activist groups and regularly organises various events to boost awareness of issues in Palestine throughout Ireland. Their online store also features lots of goods manufactured in Palestine and books and art by Palestinian artists. You can join a local branch or even simply subscribe to their newsletter to keep updated with news and events.
Emergency Relief for Gaza
Gaza has been under siege since 2007 and has recently endured relentless bombing. As previously mentioned, public solidarity and political advocacy should be prioritised over donations, but the below list of organisations are providing medical and infrastructural relief to Palestinians living in Gaza. If you are not in a position to donate, know that sharing news about what is ongoing in Palestine and information is invaluable and keeps the issue at the forefront of the media. At a time when mainstream media is largely ignoring or misrepresenting events in Palestine, your contribution to spreading the word is invaluable.
Medical Aid Palestine
United Palestinian Appeal
The Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund